
本公司秉持為空間堅持專注設計的態度,陪伴著每個客戶量身訂作,打造出專屬空間。施工經費預算詳實呈現,打破業界潛規則的統包系統 使經費資訊透明化,讓客戶、建築師、營造或施工廠商成為空間金三角 ,互相分享空間成品的美好,得到三贏的局面,與客戶一起為空間注入專屬於個人的靈魂,打造出健康舒適與無毒的空間,是我們所一直堅持著的使命。 We provide design consult for re-build the house & apartment, and business store. Not only design and plan the future, but also reduce your cost for the New spaces. We are a design company of Architecture, interior design and Business space design. Design the architectural and interior spaces with honesty, sincerity, integrity and dignity for our clients. We tend to Use natural material and non-decoration methods to design the spaces. Creating the buildings and spaces for our design projects and clients.


